In the daily production of the workshop, a large amount of harmful welding smoke is often generated. How to quickly find suitable dust removal equipment is of utmost importance. Next, the editor of Lubo Environmental Protection will popularize three types of dust removal equipment for everyone. These three types of dust removal equipment can easily cope with various usage conditions, and everyone can seat them according to their own workshop conditions:
1. For welding workshops with fewer workstations and relatively simple working conditions, mobile welding fume purifiers can be used.
The mobile welding smoke and dust purifier is suitable for purifying the smoke and dust generated in various welding and other places. Small footprint, flexible operation, strong wind force, can effectively purify welding smoke and dust.
2. For working conditions with relatively fixed welding points, a self circulating welding fume purifier can be used.
The self circulating welding smoke purifier is suitable for dust removal and purification in the welding workshop of large workpieces and irregular parts. It does not require laying pipelines. Especially suitable for large workshops with cranes. Plug and play, installation operation is very simple. Cooperating with a pulse cleaning system can effectively extend the service life of the equipment and reduce maintenance costs in the later stage.
3. For situations where it is necessary to treat the smoke and dust in the entire welding workshop, a central welding smoke and dust purifier can be used.
This type of central welding fume purifier is more popular among large companies. It has strong suction and purification effects. It consists of pipelines and hosts. Its working principle is to lay a large number of pipelines in the workshop, collect welding smoke and dust, and transport them to the dust collector through the pipelines. The purified clean gas is discharged into the air through the exhaust outlet